Madi Veith

Hello, welcome to my portfolio! My name is Madi Veith, and I am a graduate from Concordia College with majors in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics, as well as Exercise Science. My passion for exercise stemmed from my involvement in a sport throughout childhood, high school, and continued into college. I began playing softball at a very young age, where I attained my exercise routines. As I got further into my athletic career, the demand for higher performance became stronger. I participated in various resistance training and cardio programs to help enhance my performance on and off the field. During this time, I also began to realize the importance of fueling my body with proper nutrition to further enhance my athletic performance and thrive in my everyday life.

It was this involvement that led to my decision of attending Concordia College to purse majors in both Exercise Science and Nutrition & Dietetics. With this being said, these experiences led me to attaining my dream dietetic internship through the University of Minnesota, Eating Disorder concentration. Not only was I able to battle through many unknowns with the pandemic, but I was blessed with experiences beyond anything I could have ever imagined. With my passion for fueling my own body, I hope to help other individuals discover their own relationship with food as well. Ultimately, I plan to use my knowledge and expertise out in the community, especially to benefit both young children and athletes of all ages and skill levels.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio! Please feel free to look further into my experiences! If you have any questions, contact me at