Year Five


Mrs S Redding

Miss A Turner

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Y Berry

Mrs S McEwan

Mrs J Edgeworth

Newsletter - Term 2

Year 5 Autumn 2 newsletter.pdf

Newsletter - Term 1

Corrected Newsletter 2.pdf


Water Bottles – Please provide your child with a named water bottle daily.

Homework will be given out on Thursdays and should be handed in on Tuesdays.

Reading – It is your child’s responsibility in Year 5 to change their home reading book when they have finished reading it. They are given time at school to do this. We would like children to read at home for at least 20 minutes each day.

P.E – All Year 5 classes are being PE taught by Ignite on a Tuesday. The children will also have a second lesson of P.E with their class teacher if they are not swimming.

Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit consisting of shorts, a white t-shirt and a pair of trainers suitable for outdoors in school. Please ensure that this P.E kit is kept in school between Monday and Friday to ensure that the children have it available for any impromptu lessons.

Swimming will continue every Wednesday.