Online Misogyny

Online Misogyny

Credit - The Key Support Services Ltd

What it is and why it matters

Online misogyny is abuse or hatred towards women on the internet. Misogyny happens offline too, but the relative anonymity of the internet makes it easier for communities to form around hateful beliefs about women.

Internet personalities can use these communities to spread hate both online and offline.  Influencers such as Andrew Tate have made headlines recently, giving them a platform to spread their message.

Misogynistic ideas and language can impact every young person, and might:

Some people who believe in misogynistic ideologies might also reject trans women and girls, and be unaccepting of non-binary people.

Many of your pupils will either be using the internet already or grow up to use it. You can’t police what your pupils do online, but you can challenge misogynistic language and ideas in school.

Examples of misogynistic language

Most misogynistic language and ideas will focus on either directly or indirectly making women and girls feel inferior or dependent on men, such as that:

However, other ideas and language directly affect men and boys, such as that ‘real men hide their feelings’.

6 tips to help you challenge it in the moment

Conversation starters

What to do

What are we doing  at Coombe Boys?

To reduce online misogyny and toxic masculinity we have: