
Lampy is a golden yellow desktop lamp with a long, flexible gooseneck from his head to his body. 

Lampy Personality

Lampy is outgoing and impatient and has a habit of repeating words he has already said per sentence. Lampy has moments of thoughtfulness, such as when he recalls the time his master Rob changed his bulb and kept him in use. Lampy also has moments of incredible selflessness; his moment of glory came when he turned himself into a lighting rod during a thunderstorm in order to recharge the groups battery, which consequently blew out his bulb. Lampy was later given a new bulb by the Hanging Lamp in Elmo St. Peters' Parts Shop. Lampy also has moments of brilliance in spite of his lack of significant intelligence, such as when he came up with a plan for rescuing Radio's button to shut him up more than once, and when he threatens Radio about waking them all up at 6 AM. 

Lampy Relationships

 Lampy is good friends with Toaster. He is not so nice to blanky during the first half of the film and even calls hima baby. Lampy also finds it odd at first when Toaster starts treating Blanky more kindly, though he later warmed up to him as well. Lampy has little patience for the bombastic Radio, even though they're best friends, and the two usually end up fighting. Lampy also dislikes Kirby's bossy attitude. 

Create Your Lampy 

Now that you know about Lampy use the website Canva to create a lamp design of your own.