"Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics." - Dean Schlieter

When I was five years old, I took apart our family television as I was curious where all the images were coming from. My father, rather than being upset, sat me down and explained all of the technology that made tv possible.

I spent the next 15 years of my life exploring the world around me through the language of mathematics. Majoring in physics and becoming a naval submarine officer laid the foundation that has supported my 35 year career as a high school math teacher.

Mathematics is the only universal language. As humans, we have collectively built a communication tool that permeates all sciences and connects all people. While most choose to reap only the benefits of the end results of the power of math, the few that wish to understand it gain much more. Learning the "whys" behind today's sciences and technologies have allowed me to troubleshoot problems and to become self sufficient. Regardless of the problems that face me (Technological, professional, or personal), math education has provided me with a structure of reasoning, logic and perseverance that will forever guide me to successful solutions.

Choosing a career in education has provided me with the opportunity to pass on my passion for math and science to three decades of students. It has been extremely satisfying to receive positive feedback from a student who passed on comments from their older siblings or parents who encouraged them to take a math class with me. I remain grateful to my school for giving me the opportunity to continue to do what I love.