Download Turbotax with license Code

To download TurboTax with license code, you must first register yourself with TurboTax. You must fill out the online registration form completely. Registration for the TT Program entitles you to periodic customer service and technical support. Additionally, registration makes one eligible for special offers, product updates, and advance purchases.

What is TurboTax license code?

Your license code is a combination of 16 letters and numbers that verifies the software and allows you to complete the installation and begin using TurboTax.

Where to find TurboTax license code?

Here are two ways to find the license code number:

CD Box: This can be found on the envelope, insert, or sealing slip of the TurboTax CD box. Check the CD box for the license code.

Confirmation Email: Code will appear in the confirmation email or order history after installing the software

How to Create a TurboTax Account?

Steps to Download and Install TurboTax 

Steps to Activate Turbotax