Note-taking Strategies & Resources

These are many ways to take notes. Find the ones that work best for you.

Strategies (how to take notes in different ways)

click on the images to explore the strategies

Resources (Tools you can use to take notes online)

Google Keep

On a laptop or desktop, you can add the Google Keep Chrome extension. When you want to take a note, pause your video, click on the Google Keep icon, take your note with a timestamp, then press play to continue watching. Repeat as needed. Interested? click here for more details on how to make this happen.

I find Mind mapping to be most effective when done by hand but there are also many online mind mapping sites. MindMup is one of them that easily integrates with Google Apps. Find out more about this here.


This is an interesting application that allows you to take notes while watching video. It includes screenshots of the video each time you add notes. It also integrates nicely with YouTube. It is new (early 2022) and is currently free for everyone. Find out more here.