Year End Review

J.L. McCullough Chapter 2022-2023

As the 2022-23 school year comes to an end, let's take a moment to celebrate all of the accomplishments of our Seniors.

Bailey's Backpacks: a local CISD based non-profit that serves our community. 

Over 50 students from the chapter helped to organize thousands of supplies prior to packing.

Packed backpacks are donated to schools across the CISD community for students in need.

Ainsley's Angels is a non profit organization that holds an annual 5k fundraiser.

Chapter members helped by passing out medals, trophies, snacks, and support.

Our chapters main service goal for the year was to donate 500 hygiene kits to our local woman's shelter.

Service recognizes service. Members created cards for veterans in our local community.

Members volunteered at 5 different elementary school carnivals in our local community. Running events, booths, passing out fliers, or helping in any way possible.