How can we support your whistleblowing management?

Process implementation

We support on the implementation of your whistleblowing management processes:

  • Whistleblowing policies

  • Reporting systems

  • Case scoring and handling

  • Follow-up support & investigations

  • Legal opinions

  • Duty of information and documentation

We support on aligning existing processes with EU regulations:

  • Confidential reporting setup

  • Identity protection

  • Case handling governance principles

  • Feedback deadlines

  • Third party rights

  • GDPR compliance

Internal reporting systems

Obtain instant access to cost effective internal reporting systems:

  • neutral content accessible for all reporting stakeholders

  • unlimited languages and user accounts

  • secure reporting channel with anonymous dialogue function

  • multi-channel intake: web and machine run voice based

  • multi-level whistleblower’s identity protection, no IP address and time stamp logging

  • hosted in high-security ISO 27001 data centers in EU

  • sophisticated case management

  • alert and email notification management

  • embedded machine translations

Pricing information can be found under "Technology Package".

Close loop to and from third parties

A secure confidential reporting setup will be required to facilitate whistleblowing, and this from both a compliance and risk management perspective.

Mailing over the internet is neither considered secure nor confidential.

It will become best practice to use close loop speak-up systems so that insecure mailing and unauthorized access can be avoided. Such systems are best considered for both internal reporting and the reporting to and from third parties.

With the new regulations your employees will obtain the right to directly report to competent authorities and your former employees and the employees of your contractors and suppliers will have the right to report to you. Even if you believe that the first responsibility for secure reporting to or from third parties lies with the individual reporter, it will be in the interest of all organizations to avoid reputation and blackmail risks that can result from the interception of sensitive concerns sharing.

We have developed SpeakUpwise a close loop speak-up system that allows the setup of confidential and anonymous two-way dialogues between individuals from different legal entities with military grade protection.

The first concept of SpeakUpwise is available for free trials at

Risk scorecards

To support your internal case handling processes our subject matter experts have developed web based risk scorecards:

  • Web based and customized to your needs

  • Weighted scoring of risks related to reporting category, relationship, whistleblowing history, level of details, responsiveness, likelyhood, abuse, reputation, urgency

  • Recommendations on follow up measures

  • Dashboard to follow up on risk evolutions

  • Automated pdf reporting for documentation purposes

The use of our risk scorecards will support you with the justification of a competent, diligent and impartial approach in accordance with the case governance principles.

Screenshots can be found under the heading "Risk scorecards".

Independent case handling

You can assign us as whistleblowing recipient/external case handler to follow up on:

  • First response / whistleblower notification

  • Risk scoring & triage

  • Escalation management

The option exists to involve a local partner of our European network.

We work with both fixed rate per case and monthly subscription models.

Follow up support & investigations

We provide support on follow up measures:

  • Additional fact finding

  • Investigations

  • Complaints handling

  • Reports to authorities

  • Insurance claims

  • Crisis management

When follow up measures are necessary in other European countries we propose to involve a local partner of our European network to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Legal privilege & opinions

We provide access to legal privilege and opinions from specialized law firms.

Duty of information & documentation

We provide support on informing stakeholders about whistleblowing processes and rights in accordance with regulations. A general ethics training is not considered to be sufficient, proof of understanding on the basis of practical examples is best practice.

We help you to document whistleblowing management processes for competent authorities in accordance with regulations:

  • Confidential reporting process (recipient, reporting systems, data location, approval process, internal reporting process, whistleblowing policy)

  • Case handling process (case governance principles, risk assessment process, feed-back process, rights of appeal, escalation process, audit trail)

  • Protection processes (identities & retaliation)

  • Communication processes (internal & external)