Welcome to Grade 3

Mrs. Caldwell-

3A Teacher

Ms. Aspen-

3B Teacher    

Ms. Lubaton-

Teacher Assistant

Mr. Phillips -

EAL Teacher

Grade 3 Important Information

Uniforms and Spirit Fridays:

Students should be wearing their uniforms each day. This consists of a green, yellow, or white Concordia logo shirt and pants/shorts/skirts that are navy blue, black, or tan. 

It can be cold in our classrooms when the air conditioning is on. Students are encouraged to bring a Concordia sweatshirt to school to wear indoors if he or she feels cold. We prefer that students wear a Concordia sweatshirt instead of their own jackets, sweaters, or sweatshirts. Sweatshirts can be purchased at the front desk.

Every Friday, students can wear Concordia-themed ‘spirit shirts’ instead of their normal uniform if they would like to. These are the shirts that commemorate an event at Concordia, for example the shirt from the Spring Concert, or a special grade level shirt that has a Concordia logo.

Grade 3 Homework Policies:

Students in third grade should spend no more than 40 minutes per night doing homework. Homework will usually include:

Students complete a reading log everyday. The student is responsible to have their log signed by a parent or guardian. 

Grade 3 Technology Policies:

Grade 3 Curriculum and Procedures