Labour Market Information

What is "Labour Market Information?"

Labour Market Information (LMI) is job market information that provides data about an industry's or occupation's hiring forecasts, salary expectations, skill demands, and more! Basically, it presents economic and population information to help people make informed decisions about their careers. However, LMI isn't 'set in stone'. It can be impacted by demographic changes, new technology, emerging professions, economic situations, and political changes.

Why should LMI matter to me?

LMI can help you to paint the picture of what the occupation looks like now, and what it may look like over the next 10 years by sharing:

  • Current salary ranges (from entry level to senior roles)

  • Job market outlook and labour demand for the field

  • Transferable and technical skills required for the role

  • Regional labour demand information

  • Educational requirements

You could use LMI in order to:

  • Gain information about job outcomes and employment rates of educational programs

  • Learn more about salary expectations and job security for different occupations

  • Identify in-demand skills and certifications

  • Demonstrate occupational demand to stakeholders in your life (eg. parents, guardians, family)

How can I get started?

  1. Start by reading ALIS' LMI Overview article (see the button below) for Government of Alberta LMI resources and suggestions.

  2. Identify the key information that you want to learn. For example: Are you exploring different career options through a specific major? Are you looking for example high-paying jobs? Are you looking to find out about careers that require good communication and interpersonal skills?

  3. Review multiple resources from varied sources, for example:

    • ALIS Occupational Profiles

    • Government of Canada Career Planning Tool

    • National Graduates Survey or Census data

    • Professional associations (eg. ECO, ATA, CPA, IPAC, etc.)

  4. Book an appointment with Career Services for guidance!