fashion creative collection

Both Fashion Design: Creative Collection and Adv. Topics in Fashion Design created 15-20 look collections inspired by their own backgrounds and heritages. Students were tasked with exploring who they are, their identities, and how to utilize that source material to inspire a fashion collection. Students also produced one garment from their collection, to bring their designs to life.

Zoe Perlis

My inspiration for the collection, “down the line”, is based on the idea that a love of style has been passed down for generations through my family through generations. Despite growing up pretty poor, my grandmother always found ways to implement her own sense of style, and this practical love of fashion was passed down to my mom, and then to me. This summer collection would have a lot of bohemian influences, and use a lot of light, organic fabrics to represent the simple, elegant, practicality that I have learned from the two most important women in my life.

Carter Wood

My inspiration for the collection, “down the line”, is based on the idea that a love of style has been passed down for generations through my family through generations. Despite growing up pretty poor, my grandmother always found ways to implement her own sense of style, and this practical love of fashion was passed down to my mom, and then to me. This summer collection would have a lot of bohemian influences, and use a lot of light, organic fabrics to represent the simple, elegant, practicality that I have learned from the two most important women in my life.

Natalie Cangas

This collection draws inspiration from the indigenous Taino people of Puerto Rico and the practice of la brujería, an indigenous and culturally specific form of spirituality, most commonly referred to as "witchcraft." I was inspired by the rich history, mystical practices, and the beautiful landscape of Puerto Rico. This collection is a love letter to my culture.

Allie Ehlinger

This collection is inspired by queer culture, the historical and modern day cultural signifiers. I was inspired to adapt queer fashion from the past few decades and design a modern take on the styles used to express and communicate identity, and the ways in which queer individuals blended historically masculine and feminine garments to create their own subcultural fashion movement.

Piper Franckum

This winter collection is based on the perversion of 1940's 1950's societal female norms. The looks, taking inspiration from countercultural movements, reference interpretations of consumer media of both periods. An avant garde collection, it also draws inspiration from queer culture and the female experience in the US during and directly after WWII. I aim to modernize the historical depictions of how control has been enacted on the female body and ways to subvert those constraints.