
Virtual Visiting

Concerts in Motion is safely bringing concerts into the homes of our recipients digitally through Zoom, a free conferencing platform.

These concerts feature interactive performances by both professional and youth musicians, and are designed to relieve isolation.

The pro series

CiM hosts Virtual Pro Series Concerts Mondays at 11AM / 1PM, Tuesdays at 12PM, Wednesdays at 11AM / 12PM / 1PM, Thursdays (biweekly) at 11AM, and Fridays at 12PM / 1PM / 2PM. Each of these concerts features two professional musicians from our roster. Our roster represents many different genres of music including jazz, classical, latin, broadway, klezmer, and more, and speaks a variety of languages. The goal of these concerts is to engage the audience members with conversation and the music they love.

the youth series

CiM hosts Virtual Youth Series Concerts every day Monday thru Thursday at 4PM EST. A professional musician facilitates each concert. Young performers ages 4 - 22 are encouraged to bring shorter pieces of music, and to have fun! Our goal is for all performers to share their music and to engage with the audience members. Young performers can earn volunteer service hours for this time.

Ready to schedule a Virtual Visit? See our How to Schedule a Visit page.