Mr. Muster

Khan Academy Resources

These are Khan Academy Resources related to content taught in 7th Grade Math Accelerated course.

NOTE: Not every lesson has a corresponding video/practice


Khan Academy 7th Grade Resources

Unit 1: Scaled Drawings

Unit 2: Introducing Proportional Relationships

Unit 3: Measuring Circles

Unit 4: Proportional Relationships and Percentages

Unit 5: Rational Number Arithmetic

Unit 6: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Unit 7: Angles, Triangles, and Prisms

Unit 8: Probability and Statistics


Quiz Information

EdCite Assessments

First Take:


When you finish a retake, you must take a screenshot of your score (make sure screenshot shows your name and the name of the assessment) and send it to your Teacher in the Teams Chat (include what period you have their class)

Go Math Assessments

First Take:

If it does not open, then your browser is blocking pop-ups. Click the "Pop-Ups Blocked" in the URL bar and select to allow pop-ups from this website. 


If it does not open, then your browser is blocking pop-ups. Click the "Pop-Ups Blocked" in the URL bar and select to allow pop-ups from this website. 

When you finish a retake after the grade has been entered in ATLAS, you must take a screenshot of your score (make sure screenshot shows your name and the name of the assessment) and send it to your Teacher in the Teams Chat (include what period you have their class)

Secure Browser Assessments (FIAB/IAB/ICT)

First Take:

If it gives you an error, then you need to exit the secure browser and go into your task manager (Press Control, Alt, and Delete) and close the programs from the error. Then re-open the Secure Browser


If it gives you an error, then you need to exit the secure browser and go into your task manager (Press Control, Alt, and Delete) and close the programs from the error. Then re-open the Secure Browser

When you finish a retake after the grade has been entered in ATLAS, you must send your Teacher a message in the Teams Chat (include what period you have their class) to notify them you are done with the assessment.

Go Math! Textbook Resources

Before using these resources, you must go to and log in with your account. This will allow you to have access to the resources.

All page numbers are from the Go Math! textbook. The videos used are from the Go Math! online resources found within the Online Student Edition of the textbook located on

Other Resources

Online Platforms/Websites is free to Fresno Unified students and offers live one-to-one help. is available after school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It is available all weekend Friday at 2:00pm to Tuesday at 9:00am.