Assessment & Evaluation
Parent Information Portal
CAASPP Student Score Reports
Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),
At the end of the last school year, your child enrolled in grade 3-8 or 11/12 participated in computer-based assessments as part of the Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), which includes the Smarter Balanced assessments for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, as well as the California Alternate Assessments (CAA), among others.
Compton Unified School District (CUSD) views these assessements as one way to provide parents and teachers with information regarding student progress towards college and career readiness. CUSD is using these scores as part of one of many measures to identify student strengths and areas of needs, and will also use scores to continuously improve high-quality instruction.
Student score reports can now be accessed electronically through the Aeries Parent Portal. When you provided the district with a personal email account, an Aeries Portal account was set up automatically.
Research & Evaluation Department
Compton Unified School District
Follow These Easy Steps...
- Sign in to your Aeries Parent Portal account with the user name and temporary password you received. Look for the activation email sent to you when you first registered your personal email address with the Compton Unified School District.
- If you are not sure you have an account, please contact your school office and provide a current email address. Your Parent Portal account will be set up for you automatically, and you will receive an activation email with access instructions.
- If you do not remember your password, please click on Forgot Password?
- Once in the Aeries Parent Portal, from the top of bar menu, click on Test Scores > State Test Scores Reports
- Click on th scores tab to view your student test scores. You can download and save the test scores in PDF format to your local computer.
Reporting Timeline
Beginning with the spring 2019 administration of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), student score reports (SSRs) will be available electronically via the Aeries Parent Portal for as long as 3 years or until students graduate. Approximate release dates are as follows:
- Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) for English language arts (ELA) and math: Available now
- California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA and math: Late August
- California Science Test (CAST): January 2020
- California Spanish Assessment*: January 2020
*Only administered at Spanish Immersion Schools for grades 3, 4, 6, and 7
Illuminate Home Connection Parent Portal
Guides to Understanding the CAASPP Student Score Reports
Electronic student score reports provides the following benefits:
Now families will be able to securely access current and historical electronic Student Score Reports by smartphone, tablet, or computer through the district’s parent portal. Receiving a child’s test results will no longer rely on a one-time mailing that may or may not reach the family.
Families will have earlier access to their child’s electronic Student Score Report. In past years, families had to wait for the paper version of the Student Score Report to arrive in the mail.
The district costs associated with shipping, such as postage and staff time to package and mail paper Student Score Reports, will be greatly reduced or eliminated. School districts may continue to communicate using traditional paper reports for cases in which it is necessary or more appropriate.
Electronic Student Score Reports promotes the increased use of a district’s parent portal as part of a secure “one-stop shop” for families to access their child’s school information, such as assignments, test results, grades, and attendance records.
The electronic Student Score Reports will be available in English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, and Filipino. In the future, Student Score Reports will also be made available in other languages.
Because the electronic Student Score Reports are not limited to one sheet of paper, they provide a future opportunity to deliver more dynamic and detailed information about a student’s progress.