CUSD iPad Support
iCloud and iPad Collaboration Set Up
iCloud and iPad Collaboration Set Up
iPad Set Up and Essentials Training
iPad Set Up and Essentials Training
Setting up your iPad
Setting up your iPad
1. iPad Set Up
1. iPad Set Up
Follow the steps to successfully set up your iPad.
Video Tutorials and Handouts
Video Tutorials and Handouts

Annotating PDF's Using Google Classrrom Tools
Annotating PDF's Using Google Classrrom Tools

Zoom+Apps Multitasking
Zoom+Apps Multitasking
Using Apple Notes alongside other apps on your Ipad
Using Apple Notes alongside other apps on your Ipad
Apple Teacher is a free professional learning program designed to support and celebrate educators using Apple products for teaching and learning. As an educator you can build skills on iPad and Mac that directly apply to activities with your students, earn recognition for the new things you learn, and be rewarded for the great work you do every day.