
Gmail is a free email service provided by Google Inc and integrated with other Google services like Google Docs, Google Drive and YouTube. Google also offers premium services to businesses through G Suite. There's also an HTML version of Gmail called Gmail Basic and the Gmail mobile app.

Gmail is the abbreviation of Google Mail, Gmail is a free service provided by Google that allows users to send and receive e-mail over the Internet. Gmail was originally considered a joke as it was announced on April 1, 2004.

Login into Gmail, How to login to your account

As you are new to Gmail, and if you are not sure, how to login to Gmail, then you are in right place. Below you can learn, how to login to Gmail.

Step 1: Gmail Sign In

To login to your Gmail account, first of all, visit or
gmail login

Step 2: Gmail homepage

Step 3: Enter Gmail Account Password

Step 4: Login Successful !

You just successfully logged into your Gmail account.

Note: Below are few points to keep in mind, while logging into your Gmail account.

Hope it helps. In case if you have any questions, feel free to comment below.