Mr. Morkner

Phone: 210-374-0558

Conference period Mon- Thurs: 8:48 AM - 9:48 AM

6th Grade English Language Arts

Hello! My name is Paul Morkner and I'm excited to be your 6th Grade English Language Arts teacher! I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and later attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa where I received a Bachelors degree in history. I teach ELA because reading and writing has always been dear to my heart. The skills brought out through Language Arts are not only an essential component of academics but a lens through which to view our lives and the world. The biggest part of my classroom experience involves thinking critically about texts, writing consciously about the subject at hand, and telling our unique and different truths. It is my opinion that we ALL carry invaluable perspectives and life experiences.
"The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil"- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Current Unit: Boy Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl

Unit Overview

Provide a brief 2-3 sentence description of the current unit. Include what students should be able to do by the end.

Important Updates and Deadlines

  • Due date + Assignment Title
  • Due date + Assignment Title
  • Due date + Assignment Title

Course Grading Breakdown



Class work and Homework: 25%


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