Reopening Timeline

Phased Re-Entry

Letter from our CEO

  • On 9/8 we will begin a staggered return to in-person instruction by bringing in K-1 (those who opt to keep at home may continue to choose that option)

  • We will keep the option for on-site for all other grade levels (prioritizing need and extending invites to students who are demonstrating academic need to come in smaller groups)

  • Virtual default will continue for 2-10 through October 12th when the in-person instruction option will be extended to all (again families may opt to stay virtual at that point still)

  • We are keeping the window for 2nd-4th grade open, and we will potentially bring them in using a staggered start with in-person instruction prior to 10/12 based on academic need.

  • Information is being communicated with principals today. Principals will communicate with their staff tomorrow in the am, and then network-wide family and staff communication will go out by end of day tomorrow.

First Three Weeks

Letter from our CEO

  • Virtual learning will be standard for all students for at least the first three weeks of school.

  • Beginning on August 17, all learning will take place via our virtual learning environment, with most students learning from home.

  • Families who are unable to keep their children at home for the first three weeks of school will be able to send their children to their school building each day.

  • For students who are on-campus, learning will still take place through our virtual learning environment – they will just access their remote learning resources while in the school building and overseen by school staff. We will call this “on-site virtual.”