The Speakers

Zhao Shengdong

Dr. Shengdong Zhao is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore. He established the NUS-HCI research lab. Dr. Zhao completes his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the University of Toronto. He also holds a Master’s degree in Information Management & Systems from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Zhao has a wealth of experience in developing new interface tools and applications (i.e., Draco, won best iPad App of the year in 2016), and publishes regularly in top HCI conferences and journals. He also works closely with the industry, and have served as a senior consultant with the Huawei Consumer Business Group. Dr. Zhao frequently serves in program committees of top HCI conferences, and will work as the paper chair for the ACM SIGCHI 2019, and 2020 conferences. More information about Dr. Zhao and the NUS-HCI lab can be found at and

Liu Can

Dr Can Liu is a researcher in Human-computer Interaction (HCI). Her research is about designing future interfaces of ubiquitous technologies based on the empirical understanding of the human. Her work explores how to enable more natural and embodied user experiences by combining physical and digital interactivity. She has been using a variety of technologies to prototype novel experiences, including wall-sized displays, mobile surfaces, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality. On one hand, she conducts user experiments to gain scientific understanding of how novel interfaces can be used. On the other hand, she develops new systems for public places and communities to study them in real-world context.

Can is an international citizen, having lived in six countries across Europe and Asia. Before joining the School of Creative Media, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at UCLIC in the University College London in the UK. She holds a PhD in HCI obtained from the Université Paris-Sud in France, where she worked at INRIA labs ex)situ and ILDA in collaboration with Telecom ParisTech. Prior to these, she received an MSc degree in Media Informatics at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany. Her work has been published at ACM CHI conferences and received Best Paper and Honourable Mention awards.

Shang Li

Dr. Li Shang is a Professor at Fudan University. He received a Ph.D. from Princeton University. He was the deputy director and chief architect of Intel Labs China, and a tenured faculty at the University of Colorado. His research focuses on human-centered computing, computer systems, machine learning, VLSI and EDA, with over 100 publications, multiple best paper awards and nominations, and over 8000 citations. He was a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award.

Ashwin Ram

Ashwin is a PhD student at the NUS-HCI Lab, National University of Singapore. Prior to this, he completed his Bachelor’s in Electronics and Communication Engineering at NIT-Trichy.

Ashwin's research focuses on understanding how information should be presented on smart glasses (Optical Head-Mounted Displays) such that users can view and interact with it while going about their daily tasks (e.g. while walking).

Nuwan Janaka

Nuwan Janaka is a Ph.D. candidate from NUS-HCI Lab. His research interests lie in notifications, interruption, augmented reality, and heads-up computing.