Be a Watershed Hero!

The storm drain system is not connected to the wastewater system (sanitary sewer), which drains water from the plumbing of your home, school and friends' house. Storm drains do not send water to a treatment facility where it is cleaned of litter. That means the rainwater and everything it touches –  from dirt, motor oil, roadside litter – flows straight into our creeks, streams, and local waterways untreated!


Why is it important not to litter?

The storm drain system, those grates and inlets you see along the side of the road, are responsible for carrying all stormwater (rain) from your home, your yard and even your school directly to local streams.  All storm drains in the City of Columbia, Boone County, and MU campus streets drain directly to local waterways.

Any substance other than rainwater that enters into a storm drain system goes directly into a local stream, creek, river or lake… Untreated… NO pollinates are removed!

Storm drains are the mouths of many of our streams. 

If trash, oil, grease, salt, and other pollution enter the drains, it makes the stream sick. 

Learn How To Mark A Strom Drain

Storm drains directly affect our waterways, making it crucial that people understand how the storm drainage system functions and that only rain goes down the storm drain. By marking your local storm drains you share the knowledge of stormwater pollution and help keep our water clean for all! 

Video - River Avenger

Learn how to become a Watershed Hero and keep our creeks, rivers, and playgrounds clean!



Find The Problem Activity Book.pdf

Circle the things that do NOT belong in a creek


Only Rain Down the Storm drain


Design your own tee shirt


Watershed Hero Notebook Page.pdf