Find your watershed!

During a rainstorm, the rainwater flows over the land and becomes stormwater runoff. This stormwater runoff runs downhill to our streams, creeks and rivers.  The land area that drains rainwater runoff is called a watershed a very important part of the water cycle. 

Fast Facts: About Columbia’s Watersheds

Columbia, Missouri - Watersheds

Have you seen these signs?

Have you seen these signs along the roadway around town? These watershed signs tell you what watershed you are entering. Look for the watershed signs next time you are in the car. Watch out for them in Boone County as more signs get installed each year!

-Earth is covered in 70% water and unfortunately, 40-50% of our nation’s waters are impaired or threatened.  “Impaired” means that the water body does not support one or more of its intended uses. This could mean that the water is not suitable to drink, swim in, or consume the fish that was caught there. Erosion, Littering and not picking up your pets’ waste are just a few ways these pollutants reach our local waterways. -

What watershed do you live in? Find out by your home address!

How to use the watershed map. See where your rainwater goes and who it impacts!  

STEP 1: Type in your address by the magnifying glass in the search window. Hit enter to find out what watershed you live in! Use your correct mailing address.

STEP 2: Then click on the highlighted blue box on the map. 

STEP 3: Next click on the arrow on the blue bar to see your Major, Secondary and Immediate Watersheds.