Renee Sellers

Hello, my name is Renee Sellers. I attended Tabor City Primary, Middle and High School. I meet my husband of 33 years during my senior year at Tabor City High. We have 2 beautiful and intelligent daughters, one granddaughter and another grandbaby is on the way. I am a graduate of St. Andrews Presbyterian College, now St. Andrews University, where I studied Business, Economics, Education and Music.

This is my second year teaching 6th and 7th grade math for Columbus County Schools and Tabor City Middle School. It is nice to work in the school that I attended as a student. I have many memories of my years at TCMS and I look forward to making new memories with all my students and working hard to contribute to their education and future success.

My love for children is the reason I have chosen to work in the education field. I strive to give my students the education, guidance and support that will enable them to become well rounded, productive members of society. I also strive to help my students understand that our goals are reachable as long as we continue to work and understand that mistakes are made but we have to learn from the mistakes and try again until our goals are reached. We then must set new goals so we can continue to grow and be successful.