Ms. Godwin

My goal as a teacher is to create a safe space that builds confidence, self-esteem, ownership, and creates an environment for active learning. One of the strategies I use, is a protocol of having a weekly student teacher in the classroom. My rationale for using this protocol in my classroom is to develop the students into leaders. During the week the transformation of the student is tremendous. They have gained confidence, their self-esteem has risen, and they have taken ownership of their education. I believe that by having a student teacher I am developing future leaders, and an environment that promotes active learning.

I support educating and developing the "whole child". In today’s climate, the concept of educating the whole child is critical to the overall well-being and growth of the individual student. The goal of public education is student achievement and success in the 21st century, therefore education needs to address the overall needs of each student. Educating the whole child shifts the focus from solely academic achievement to also include a focus on mental and physical health, long term growth, and the overall success of the student in society.