
Teaching for me is actually a second career although it has been a lifelong passion. I began my college education straight from high school intending to work in the field of science and biotechnology. However, my circumstances triggered changes in my life path. I worked in a family business most of my early adult life. I was always involved as a teacher in Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, GA’s, Mission Friends, and Children’s Choir as my children grew.

Many of the women that I knew at the time worked as teachers and I liked and respected them greatly. I interviewed and was hired to work as a therapeutic assistant for a local preschool class and while I was there I began training in Applied Behavior Analysis. I once more started my educational path at the community college level and then progressed through my associate, bachelor and master degrees.

I count my greatest accomplishments as having a hand in growing the students who enter my classroom and helping to create the self-sufficient, critical thinkers who exit my classroom. To be successful and to keep up with the demands of an ever-changing world, you must be flexible, able to adapt. This is essential as an educator and as a learner. This is a quality that I embrace and that I endeavor to foster in all of my students. I believe that all students have the capability to adapt which is crucial in today’s environment.

I strive to be a lifelong learner in everything I do. I have never stopped learning and wanting to learn for myself. I am reminded of a quote I once read from an 84 year old widow who said that when her husband passed away he left her a small amount of money with instructions to do something that she had always wanted to do. She got braces at 84! Her reasoning was that “You are never too old to do something that you have always wanted to do.” I clearly remember reading that article in a magazine one day and realizing that it was not too late to do exactly that. I wanted to become a life changer, an educator and I did.

Educational History

  • 2010-2013 Master of Science (Instructional Technology)

University of North Carolina Wilmington

601 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403

  • 2008-2009 Bachelor of Arts (Elementary Education)

University of North Carolina Wilmington

601 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403