
Welcome to the Clerk's Page  

This page offers access to township meeting minutes, U.S. Passport information, Cemetery information, voter/election information, recent election results, and an explanation of the duties of the clerk.   

Contact Information
Amy Petiprin

PO Box 136
Unionville, MI 48767


- Maintains custody of all township records
- Maintains general ledger
- Prepares warrants for township checks
- Records and maintains township meeting minutes
- Keeps the township book of oaths
- Responsible for regular and special meeting notices
- Keeps voter registration file and conducts elections
- Chair of township elections commission
- Keeps township ordinance book
- Prepares financial statements
- Must appoint a deputy
- Must appoint a surety bond

The clerk currently serves as the FOIA administrator and any requests should be sent to the following address: Columbia Twp Clerk, PO Box 136, Unionville, MI 48767 


To contact the Columbia Township Clerk (Amy Petiprin) visit the Contact Us Page