About Profe

¡Hola! My name is Carleigh Ottwell, but I am better known as Profe (pronounced PRO-fay) in our community. This will be my fourteenth year teaching in Columbia schools. My primary teaching assignment is Spanish A and B at CMS, which is offered to our 7th and 8th grade students. I have also taught Spanish I and Spanish III at CHS. In 2021-2022, I am returning to CHS once again to teach a section of Spanish III.

My favorite part about teaching in Columbia is the relationships that I have been able to foster the past 15 years. We have an amazing group of teachers in District 4 who are caring, compassionate, empathetic people that are also experts in their respective fields. I have learned a tremendous amount about teaching from our awesome staff! I have also had the privilege of building rapport and relationships with the families in this district during my time here. I have loved teaching their children and seeing them go from middle school kids to adults (and sometimes colleagues!) ready to take on the next challenge life brings them.