All About Me

This is my 17th year teaching in Columbia. I have taught 9th-12th grade in addition to the 19-22 year old life skills program at CHS, 2nd-4th grade at Parkview, and K-1 at Eagleview. I am a graduate of Eastern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science in Education. License: Learning Behavior Specialist with an Early Childhood endorsement. I am currently enrolled in a Master's of Curriculum and Instruction Program at SIUE and will graduate in October of this year.

I live in Columbia with my husband and 2 beautiful children. We have 4 dogs and 4 chickens. I enjoy spending time with my family and watching my daughter in competitive gymnastics and my son play hockey and baseball.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege to teach your child this year. It is a team effort, and I thank you in advance for all of the hard work and support you give; I could not do this job without you.

If you need me, know that I am only a phone call or email away.

My Educational Philosophy

My vision is that "all students can achieve"; therefore, I am dedicated to identifying and meeting the diverse needs of each student through individualized educational programming. It is my personal mission to work cooperatively with families, students, community, colleagues, and other professionals in order to promote each student's success and well-being as he/she prepares for their future. It is increasingly important to teach functional literacy, numeracy, social skills, and daily life skills for success in today’s society.