Academic Skills Check

AimswebPlus® is an assessment, data management, and reporting system that provides national and local performance and growth norms for the screening and progress monitoring of math and reading skills for all students in Kindergarten and Grade 1. When assessing Kindergarten and Grade 1 students, AimswebPlus uses digital record forms in combination with print stimulus materials. Students are administered test content individually and respond to items presented in stimulus books, while the teacher records student responses via the computer or Chromebook. All K-1 students are assessed three times per school year (fall, winter, spring). The following are the assessments taken at each grade level:


Letter Naming Fluency: (1 minute) The student correctly names randomly ordered capital and lowercase letters.

Letter Word Sounds Fluency: (1 minute) The student says the sounds of visually presented letters, syllables, and words.

Number Naming Fluency: (1 minute) The student verbally names randomly ordered numbers 0 through 20.

Quantity Total Fluency: (1 minute) Boxes containing dots (look like dice) are presented. The student states the total number of dots within each box or pair of boxes.

Concepts and Applications: (untimed) The student mentally solves various types of math

problems and states answers orally.

First Grade

Nonsense Word Fluency: (1 minute) The student identifies letters and says the sounds in non-real, consonant-vowel-consonant words. (ie. hak, sem, lod, sij)

Oral Reading Fluency: (average of 2, 1 minute passages) The student reads orally for 1 minute from 2 different short stories. The score reflects the average words read correctly per minute..

Number Comparison Fluency-Pairs: (1 minute) Pairs of numbers are presented. The student identifies which of the two numbers is larger for each pair.

Math Facts Fluency-1 Digit: (1 minute) The student mentally solves simple addition and subtraction problems involving numbers 0 through 10 and states answers orally.

Concepts and Applications: (untimed) The student mentally solves various types of math problems and states answers orally.