
Kindergarten Classroom

Contact InformationMrs. Sarah Chudd113 S. Rapp Ave.Office Hotline: 618-281-4995 Eagleview Elementary SchoolColumbia, IL 62236 Voicemail: 281-4995 Ext. 4001Email:

Classroom Procedures

We have 5 classroom rules:

#1-Follow Directions Quickly

#2-Raise your hand for permission to talk

#3-Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat

#4-Make smart choices

#5-Make your dear teacher happyJ

I love having a lot of fun in our classroom. We celebrate wonderful behavior and hard work. I also believe in having a classroom where every student feels safe, comfortable, happy, and cared for.

We have a clipchart system in our classroom and school. The students will clip up and down throughout the day on this behavior chart. This system is meant to be positive. If a child is clipped down we try to turn our day around to clip back up. At the end of each day they will get a sticker on their calendar if they ended on green. Our goal is to be on green!

Positive Reinforcements

  • Our class earns class stars for many different reasons. 10 class stars earns us a special class treat like extra recess, Popsicles, lunch with the teacher etc.
  • If a child can make good choices all week and stay on green and above they will be able to choose out of my treasure chest during Fun Friday time!
  • If a child clips off the chart for great behavior they have the chance to get clipped into my hair and get a jewel from Mrs. Becherer.


  • In my classroom their our consequences for our behaviors as well. It might be a clip down, loss of privilege, or a note or phone call home. I also often believe in the consequence matching the behavior we are trying to fix.

Take Home Folders

Your child’s take home folder serves as an important link between home and school. It is your child’s responsibility to bring the folder home and back to school the next day. There may be some nights your child will not have any papers to bring home, but we want to keep your child in the routine of bringing the folder back and forth each day. Please take the time to review the contents of the folder with your child each day. This daily routine can serve as a springboard for discussions about your child’s day at school.


Your child works hard in school all day long and afterschool is a time to spend with family. On Mondays, your child will receive a sheet of optional homework that can be returned by the following Friday. Homework in kindergarten is not meant to be challenging and hard. It is meant to build students confidence at home, practice their fine motor skills, and get in a routine. Also, please read with your child at least 10-15 minutes each night. In December I will start sending home book baggies each night with books that your child can read to you.


Every Friday you will get a newsletter informing you of the activities we are doing in school, and what will be happening in the weeks to come. Please look for this newsletter and share it with your child. This is a good way to discuss the events of the week with your entire family.


  • P. E.- Physical Education will be everyday for 30 minutes. Children are encouraged to wear gym shoes for P.E. They can keep an extra pair at school in their locker if they would like.
  • Music- Music will be 3 days a week for 30 minutes
  • Library- They will be checking out books at our classroom library each week


Our lunch is at noon and that is a long time for a little stomachs to go. We will have a designated time each morning for snack. Please send a snack with your child each day. Please make sure it is separate from their lunch and they know the difference so we don’t eat our lunch at snacktime.


We would love to celebrate your child’s birthday. Your child will get a birthday crown and we will sing happy birthday to them. Edible treats or treat bags are fine. I recommend if you send in cupcakes to please send the smaller ones with less icing. Also, I am not allowed to hand out invitations at school unless they are addressed to the entire class or Just boys/girls.


  • Students may be dropped off on Rapp street and enter through the front doors starting at 7:40. All children will go to the gym where there is a group of teachers to supervise them. After the pledge, all students will go to their classroom. The tardy bell rings at 8:05. If they are late, you will need to park and walk your child into the office to sign them in.
  • Bus students dismiss at 3:05 and the rest at 3:10. On Wednesdays dismissal is at 2:20. Kindergarten dismisses out the doors on Legion near the recycling dumpster once the buses are off the lot. Please relay this info to anyone who may pick up your child.
  • If your child’s way home changes, I must receive a NOTE IN THEIR FOLDER or you may call the school and talk to our secretary Patti. Please do NOT EMAIL ME or leave a message on my voicemail about dismissal changes. I may not get it in time or not be here that day to check

Lunch Money

You may go online to skyward and pay or see your account balance. You can also send lunch money to school in an envelope marked with your child’s name if you would rather do that.

Student of the Week

Your child will have their chance to be our classroom’s student of the week. If your child is chosen as student of the week they will be coming home that Friday with a “suitcase”. Please allow them to pack their favorite things in that suitcase and send it back to school with your child on Monday. They will get to display their items in our “student of the week” box and then present it to the class on Friday.


I love parent volunteers. I will have lots of opportunities for parents to come and volunteer on a weekly and monthly basis. Parent volunteers will start in October.

Contact Information

Parent/teacher communication is essential to your child's success. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. You are welcome to call, write, or email me. I check all daily bit will respond quicker to an email.

I hope this letter has been a helpful insight to your child's new classroom. I am looking forward to many fun learning experiences with your child throughout the year.


Mrs. Chudd