
Costume Ideas

Below are ideas of how to dress your students for our musical “The Big Chill”.  These are only ideas.  Please feel free to use your own ideas too, I love variety!  In dressing your student for the musical, please keep in mind that the gym gets hot, so please keep the clothing lightweight so the students do not get overheated and sick during the performance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me (618)281-4997 or email me 

Weather Reporters - dress clothes but maybe clouds, snowflakes, raindrops, lightning bolts….colored, cut out and taped or pinned to their clothing.

Students - regular school clothes (this is a winter production but please do not dress them in coats or big thick clothing to represent the weather hoped for - the gym gets hot and it could overheat them and make them sick).

Teacher - Boys could wear slacks, button up shirt, tie and pens in pocket…..

             Girls could dresses, eyeglasses around neck on chain, hair in bun on top of head….

        Coach could wear a sports uniform, black and white striped shirt, whistle around


        Math Teacher could wear teacher clothes with numbers (colored and cut out) taped or 

                   pinned on clothing…

                Choir Director could wear a choir robe (please just wear shorts and t-shirt 

                    underneath), or dress like a Teacher with notes and rests (colored and cut out)

                    taped or pinned to clothing…..

      Bus Driver could wear a yellow shirt and black pants and a cap on head or wear 

                    regular clothing and color and cut out buses and tape or pin to clothing…..