Rules and Procedures


  1. Students will be encouraged to use appropriate language and demonstrate respect and cooperation during Physical Education class at all times.

  2. Students are not allowed to have gum, candy, or food of any kind during Physical Education. Water bottles may be used for outside activities; however, they will not be allowed in the gymnasium.

  3. Students will not be issued a locker during Physical Education class for storage. Students must leave all belongings, other than their planners, in their hallway locker before coming to class. If a student needs to change into their tennis shoes for class, they must do this before coming to the gym for Physical Education.

  4. Physical Education Supply List:

    • Tennis Shoes (no platform or backless shoes, shoes must have laces).

    • Socks

    • Optional Deodorant (no aerosols, sprays, or glass bottles) stored in hallway locker.

  5. If a student does not have tennis shoes to participate in class, they will be required to do an alternate activity designated by the teacher, such as walking or completion of an activity packet, to receive their participation points for that day. If a student does not have the appropriate shoes for physical education, it will be counted as a “no-dress”. Students are allowed 3 “no-dresses” per semester. After a third “no-dress”, students will be issued an after school detention for each subsequent “no-dress” they may incur.

  6. Students who are injured and have a doctor’s note will be excused from Physical Education class. Injured students will not be allowed to rejoin class until they have been medically cleared by the doctor. Injured students will be permitted to have a study hall in the library during Physical Education class until their release from their doctor. Parent notes are good for 3 consecutive days.

  7. Students are strongly discouraged of wearing any kind of jewelry during Physical Education class.

  8. Students are to report to their assigned seat on the gym floor for attendance as soon as they enter the gymnasium. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated in the gym prior to the start of class. Students must keep their “hands, and feet, to themselves” at all times.

  9. Students will return to their assigned seat at the end of class and wait to be dismissed by the teacher.

  10. Students will earn a daily grade based on; participation, behavior/attitude, and cooperation/effort. Points earned will range from 0 to 3 points daily.

**Failure to follow any of these Physical Education procedures will result in immediate disciplinary action.


  • Verbal warning from teacher to student

  • Teacher and student discussion

  • Deduction of daily points

  • After school detention

  • Administrative assistance