Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions 2020


Do we need to buy a calculator?

All students in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, will have access to a calculator in class.

The standard calculators used in all classes at CAGJHS are the TI-30XS and the Casio FX-115 ES for Geometry.

How to change my child’s schedule?

You can change your child’s schedule during the summer. The last day to change schedules will be the Friday, August 14. Please understand that we are not able to change schedules based on teacher preference. The schedules have been built based on the student’s registration during the spring. Classes are limited. Some changes will not be possible.

How much does school lunch cost?

Lunch and breakfast are free for all students at CAGJHS.

I hear there are three lunches. How does that work?

Due to our large student population, we have three lunch sessions: 1st lunch, 2nd lunch, and 3rd Lunch. It is based on the student's 4th period class.

What is the best way for me to keep up-to-date with information about school events?

The CAGJHS website posts news and upcoming events, Have Facebook? We are there! Check us out! We post our upcoming events and school happenings there. In addition, we will also send announcements right to your e-mail and phone to the phone numbers and email address you have on file. Please be sure to update your contact information if it has changed.

What are the general rules of the school?

All students will receive a Student Handbook which outlines school policies and procedures. There's also a copy on our webpage.

Is there a dress code?

Detailed information will be listed in the Student Handbook as well as by following this link (Dress Code). In general, if there is a concern about decency or message T-shirts, the assistant principals will speak with the student about this concern and might ask them to change clothes or send them home.

Are cell phones or electronic devices allowed?

Students may carry cell phones/devices, but these must be out of sight and turned off during class time. Such devices can be confiscated if they are used or seen during class.


How many credits are needed to graduate?

23 credits are required for the Class of 2024 and the Class of 2025.

How many high school credits can my child receive in the 8th Grade?

At least 1 credit. C.A. Gray offers every 8th grade student PE/Health. This is a high school course. Other courses students can possibly take that are a high school courses are, Spanish, Latin, Art, and Weightlifting.

If my student does not pass one of his/her classes, will summer school be needed?

Unfortunately, C.A. Gray doesn’t offer summer school for our 8th graders. Our 9th Grade students may be given an opportunity to recover their credits.

If my student doesn't pass several classes, will he/she be held back and have to repeat 8th grade?


Where can I find information about course offerings and special academic programs?

Please refer to our website and the registration packet.


Which state tests will be administered to my child?

Students must take the End of Grade tests (EOG) in Math, Science, Georgia Studies, and Language Arts.


Which state tests will be administered to my child?

Students must take the End of Course Tests (EOCT) in Algebra I, Biology, American Literature, and US History.


What is Parent Portal and how do I access it?

The Parent Portal is a feature of the Infinite Campus Information System that provides parents/guardians immediate access to grades, assignments and attendance records in an effort to facilitate and improve communication between home and school. Please sign up for the Parent Portal in Student Services.

How often should I check Parent Portal?

You are welcomed to check as often as you feel necessary, but you may see most accurate data if you check Parent Portal once a week. If you wish to monitor attendance closely, you can check Parent Portal more frequently.

How should I help my student if he/she is struggling in a class?

The goal is to help your student learn problem-solving skills, to give them the confidence that they can solve their problems on their own in the future. First, talk with your student. Brainstorm with them what they could do to improve their performance, such as making good use of homework time at home, keeping a daily planner for assignments, finding a quiet place for homework, attending before/after school tutoring. Help your student set up an organizational system so that they know exactly where to place completed work to be turned in, assignments to be completed each night, and how to put long-term projects into their calendar or planner. Secondly, encourage your student to speak to the teacher to ask for assistance in figuring out why they are not doing well.

If the student tries these things and is still struggling, the parent may choose to e-mail the teacher to gain insight into what might be helpful. The student can also speak with their school counselor and the parent may choose to call the counselor for assistance.

How do I contact a teacher?

E-mail generally works best. E-mails can be accessed directly on Parent Portal or from the Colquitt County Schools’ website. If you do not have internet access, call the Main Office at 890-6189 and ask to be patched through to the teacher's voice mail.

How do I set a parent teacher conference?

Please contact our Mrs. Cathy Nobles to set up a parent conference. We host parent conferences virtually Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 3:40.


If my student is ill, what do I do to excuse the absence?

Send an e-mail or a note bearing your signature, phone number, reason for absence, and dates of absence with your student the first day they return to school. The student must turn in this note to Student Services within three days if the absence is to be excused. Phone calls to counselors, student services, or teacher will not excuse a student.

If my student will be ill for many days, how can I access homework?

The best way to access homework if your student is ill is to check Google Classroom and/or e-mail the teachers directly. Also, you can contact your student’s school counselor.

Do students lose credit in a class for poor attendance?

Yes. Students who miss more than 10 days (unexcused), as further explained in CCBOE Policy JBD, in a class during a semester will have to provide documentation from a doctor, hospital, and/or healthcare provider in order to earn credit for the course. The appeals process must be completed within the last two weeks of each semester. Students will be notified and given appeal letters prior to this time.

How does tardies work?

Tardiness is defined as failure to be in the classroom seated at the sound of the bell. (Students must be in the room by the time the tardy bell stops ringing). Students with eight tardies will be assigned to Saturday detention. Failure to attend Saturday detention will result in one day of ISS.


If I am concerned that my student may be depressed or need emotional counseling, whom should I contact?

Contact your student's school counselor. She will give you information and some of your options.

If my student has a health-related problem such as a chronic illness, injury, or severe allergy which might affect my student at school, whom should I contact?

Kelli Sparkman or Shelia Fowler, School Nurses

If I have a general concern, but do not know whom to call, whom should I contact?

Please call the school counselor. We can help determine which person would best be able to help you.

If I am concerned that my student may be using drugs or alcohol, whom should I contact?

Please contact your family doctor for referrals so as to maximize insurance possibilities. You may also call the school counselor for a referral list of local agencies that provide drug testing, counseling, and outpatient or in-patient referrals.

If I am concerned that my student is being harassed or bullied, including cyber-bullying or social media, whom should I contact?

Please contact your student’s counselor.