
Volunteers are necessary for a program as big as our band to be successful. Every event requires several volunteers, and no part you can play is too small. Volunteering is a way not only to stay involved with your child but also to make friends of your own!

Volunteer positions will be needed all marching season and into the spring.

Band Camp: A successful marching season begins with a successful band camp, and for band camp to be successful, we need lots of volunteers. Band camp volunteers can stop by the high school any time for any amount of time to help out as needed. During the day, volunteers help keep students hydrated, take them morning and afternoon snacks, and feed them lunch and dinner. With a growing band, there are several things to do to make sure band camp runs smoothly. 

Bus Chaperones: Bus chaperones assist directors with monitoring students on the bus. These volunteers will accompany students on trips to home games, away games, competitions, parades, and other events or trips. These chaperones are responsible for maintaining order on the bus so the driver can provide safe transit, ensuring that students remove all of their belongings and garbage from the bus, and checking attendance when loading the buses. Bus chaperones will also help chaperone students in the stands at games. These chaperones may be asked to monitor students in the bathroom, watch students in the stands, and/or help with equipment.

Dinner Crew: All students are fed meals during band camp and before home and away games. These chaperones help prepare the meal (including preparing drinks and set up), serve the meals, and clean up. Students are responsible for cleaning their area and their trash. 

Prop/Field/Pit Crew: These volunteers help push all equipment on and off the field. These volunteers also help load equipment on the truck to transport to performance locations. Once equipment comes off the field, they take it back to the truck to be loaded. Percussion kids will let you know what needs to be pushed and where it needs to be placed. We will need help assembling props (if needed) at football games and competition. 

Concessions: We get several concession days every season. This is one of the biggest money-makers for the Booster Club! We will need volunteers at all home games and sometimes for other events. Check the calendar for dates. These volunteers can work the whole game or in shifts. 

Uniforms: Each week during marching season, the uniforms have to be maintained and distributed. Student uniforms include everything from their hat to their shoes. Additionally, parent volunteers are needed to help wash and sort uniforms on a regular basis. Some uniform repair is needed occasionally, and students need help with lost shoes, shirts, gloves, socks, etc. before games and performances.

Banquet: In May we will hold our annual Band Banquet and will need volunteers to help plan, decorate, and clean up the high school cafeteria. 

If you would like to volunteer for any of the above positions, please contact our parent volunteer coordinator Katie Whitlatch or Cristina Martinez.

Bus rides

Meal time

Band camp

From the stands