TASI 2023 People

The people listed below are responsible for various parts of the TASI summer school.  The scientific program of the school is the sole responsibility of the Scientific Organizers - find one of them for any questions related to the lecture series or the school program:

Kenneth Intriligator (UC San Diego)

Scientific Organizer

Ibrahima Bah (Johns Hopkins)

Scientific Organizer

Shu-Heng Shao (Stony Brook)

Scientific Organizer

Below are the local organizers, responsible for day-to-day affairs.  Ask them any questions not related to the school's content (which aren't covered on the About TASI page already!)

Oliver DeWolfe

TASI Co-Director

Ethan Neil

TASI Co-Director

Tom DeGrand

TASI Co-Director (emeritus)

Jane Hill

CU Physics Events Coordinator