Board 2: Hex Inverter


For this board I connected two identical hex inverter circuits to a 555 timer output, but created a good layout for one circuit and a bad layout for the other. By monitoring quiet high and low lines for noise at synchronous switching edges of the timer circuit output, I gained valuable insights from analyzing and comparing their behaviors.

Good vs. Bad Layout

  • Bad circuit layout is on the left, good layout is on the right

  • 5V DC input gets regulated down to 3.3V using low drop out transistor

  • 3.3V output feeds the supply voltage to the timer chip, as well as the quiet high test lines on the inverters

  • Test points were added to look at switching and instability noise on quiet lines, inverter/555 outputs, as well as the LDO 3V3 output and 5V rail.

Three Primary Issues

  • Trace lengths are unnecessarily long

  • Decoupling capacitor C6 is far away from input on U2 pin 1

  • Lack of ground plane means some return paths are shared back to the bottom layer

