Rob's Electronics Projects


About Page

 by Rob Van Trees (RF Design Engineer/Aspiring PCB Layout Expert)

Hello World! 

This page is primarily for showcasing my MMIC and PCB design projects and labs, but I plan to add some of my personal projects and expand this soon!

ECEN5014 Active Microwave Circuits, Spring 2024 (Profs. Zoya Popovic and Laila Marzall)

Designs completed:

ECEN5024 RF Power Amplifiers, Spring 2023 (Prof. Taylor Barton)

Designs completed:

ECEN5730 Practical PCB Design, Fall 2022 (Prof. Eric Bogatin, TA Aditya Rao)

Boards completed:

Labs completed:

ECEN5134 Electromagnetic Radiation and Antennas, Spring 2022 (Prof. Dejan Filipovic)

Final project: