
for computer Science

University of Colorado BOulder

CSCI 7000 | Spring 2020


This course will introduce topics in probability and statistics that will be useful in other computer science courses. Basic concepts in probability will be taught from an algorithmic and computational point of view, with examples drawn from computer science. Students will gain tools for reasoning under uncertainty. This course serves as helpful background for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Randomized Algorithms, topics in Security, as well as other Computer Science courses involving probability and statistics.


When: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2pm-3:15pm

Where: Engineering Center ECES 114

Instructor: Claire Monteleoni, ECES 132

Instructor office hours: Wednesdays 2-4pm, or by appointment.

Graduate Student Staff: Jayadharshini Jaiganesh

GSS office hours:

Contact info:

Please submit all course-related questions or messages on Piazza (the site also allows private emails). Set-up your free account, and enroll in the course's Piazza page. Piazza also allows you to participate in the course by answering other students' questions.

Announcements will be on Piazza, please check it often.

Schedule: list of lectures and readings.

Intro questionnaire: During the first week of class, please fill out this form about your background and interests. It is required, but will not be graded.

Textbooks and Readings

  • Readings are listed on the schedule and should be done before coming to lecture.
  • The primary required textbook for the course will be: Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis: Introduction to Probability (2nd Edition). Athena Scientific, 2008.
  • Other readings will be listed on the schedule, typically available online for free download.
  • Students might also find the following text helpful, and it is available for free download here: Grinstead and Snell: Introduction to Probability. American Mathematical Society, 1997.


Students should feel comfortable with Discrete Mathematics (or Structures) and Calculus. This would correspond to having taken Discrete Structures (CSCI 2824), and Multivariable Calculus (APPM 2350 or Math 2400), at CU, or their equivalents elsewhere. Calculus 2 (APPM 1360 or Math 2300, or equivalent) is adequate for the Calculus requirement if you are willing to study multivariate integrals and differentiation independently. Students with non-traditional preparation should ask the instructor.

Coursework & Grading

  • 7 Homeworks. These are not to be turned in, however they will help you prepare for the quizzes and exams.
  • 6 quizzes; your lowest quiz grade is dropped. Your best 5 quiz grades contribute 30% to the course grade.
  • Midterm Exam on Tuesday February 25th, worth 25% of the course grade.
  • Final Exam (date TBD), worth 35% of the course grade.
  • 10% In-class exercises & participation. There will be some pencil-and-paper exercises given in lecture. Sometimes you will be asked to complete these exercises in groups, sometimes on your own. These exercises will be graded based on effort. It's ok to get the wrong answer, but you need to show that you tried. Missed exercises cannot be made up, but your lowest exercise grade will be dropped. Class participation also contributes to your grade, including on Piazza (e.g. asking questions and answering other students' questions).

Advice for success in this course

  • Complete the assigned readings before each lecture. Readings are listed on the schedule; check the schedule often for changes/updates.
  • Start the homeworks early. You are highly encouraged to form study groups of 2-4 students, and discuss the homework problems together once you have attempted them on your own. You will need to master the skills to solve the homework problems, in order to prepare for the quizzes and exams.
  • Ask and answer questions on Piazza. Helping to answer questions can help you solidify your own understanding.
  • Attend office hours to clarify remaining questions.

Electronic Device Policy

  • No cell phone / smartphone use (please turn it off before entering the classroom).
  • Unless otherwise stated, tablets may be used, for course-related purposes, when kept flat on the desk.
  • Laptops or tablets with vertical or slanted screens are restricted to the back two (2) rows of the classroom, to avoid distracting other students. NOTE: This was a specific student request to CU CEAS faculty.
  • When in doubt, if your screen could be viewed by other students and cause a distraction, then please sit towards the back of the room.

Rest of syllabus

CU Boulder required syllabus statements apply in this class.