

Ultrasonic Driven Rover

Developed robot assembly with four DC motors in a team with two other classmates.

  • Implemented closed loop feedback control system

  • Designed and implemented state machine controlled by an ATMega4808 in an Arduino Nano Every microcontroller

  • Integrated an ultrasonic sensor into the state machine to avoid collisions

Smart Solderless Breadboard (ongoing)

Developing low cost device for electrical engineers to increase circuit design efficiency

  • Designing and characterizing circuit system

  • Implementing linear regulators, switched capacitor voltage inverter, standard kit resistors and electrolytic capacitors, SAMD-21 processor

  • Marketing the project to be used in introduction EE workshops, circuit bootcamps, general EE starter kits

Instrument Droid VRM Characterizer

Constructed and programmed intelligent measurement system to characterize any voltage source

  • Constructed and debugged circuit network with components such as an operational amplifier and MOSFET

  • Programmed Arduino Uno to communicate via I2C with a DAC and ADC

  • Solved for and plotted Thevenin resistance against current consumption

NorCal 40 QRP Transceiver

Effectively built functioning 7MHz transceiver in a team with two other classmates

  • Assembled all the components to operate a complete radio system

  • Attained HAM radio liscense

  • Passed short range communication transmit and receive tests