Analog IC Design

0.35u CMOS Process IC Design of a PWM Module

Sawtooth Current Generator Subcircuit

Engineering Specifications:

0.35u Process Constraints:

"The best design is the one that meets specs and constraints while minimizing DC power consumption @27C for Vo = 1.5V"

To begin, I will implement a self-biased Vt-based current reference in the first stage. In the second-stage a CMOS inverter will determine which current mirrors will drive the current at Iout as seen in this figure: 

After some preliminary circuit analysis and trial and error with the 0.35u CMOS Library in LTSpice, my final Design looks like this: (Analytical Hand Calculations Available upon Request)

Final Self-Biased Sawtooth Current Generator Circuit with Vp = 3.3V. Simulation current setup to sweep Vo and see affect on Iout. All Design Constraints Met per 0.35u CMOS Process Guidelines. 

Specification 3:

Nominal Values of output current (Iout) at 27C and at Vo = 1.5V are as follows:

Verified Measurements:

Nominal Values of output current (Iout) at 27C and at Vo = 1.5V are as follows:

Specification 4:

Over a range of 0.5V < Vo < 2.5V, output currents must be within +/- 0.5% of the nominal values obtained at Vo = 1.5V

Verified Measurements:

Vp = 0, Ranges from 1.004508 to 1.004528 (at worst 0.0018% off from Vo = 1.5V Nominal Value)✅

Vp = 3.3, Ranges from -9.983216 to -10.0364 (at worst 0.3554% off from Vo = 1.5V Nominal Value) ✅

Bandwidth Response Iout/Vdd Biased at 3.3V

3dB cutoff frequency is 499 kHz and LF Gain is -103 dB. This is plenty low enough to suggest that small signal changes in Vdd do not have a transconductance amplification on the current output. There is also no resonance or Q-factor in the frequency response. Thus, this circuit is valid for a solid nominal 3.3V with low noise at any frequency. 

Large-Signal Swing on Supply Rail Impact on Iout

Over a range of 0.5V < Vo < 2.5V, output currents must be within +/- 0.5% of the nominal values obtained at Vo = 1.5V

For Vp = 3.3V, output current will only be -9 to -11 uA in the narrow range of 3.162 to 3.44V. This design is not robust to large swings in VDD.

For Vp = 0V, output current will only be 0.9 to 1.1 uA for the similarly narrow range of 3.175 to 3.419V. Again, not robust to large swings in VDD. 

Power Consumption

For Vp = 0V: 20.544 uW, For Vp = 3.3V: 17.229 uW

Dead-Time Circuit

Implemented Gate-Driver

Comparator Subcircuit

Bandgap Current and Voltage Reference Design

Fully Integrated PWM Module

Integrated Buck Switched-Mode Voltage Regulator Using PWM Module