
List of Accepted Posters (and in Lightning Talk order):

  1. "Value Predictor Attacks in Processors" Shuwen Deng and Jakub Szefer

  2. "Synthesizing Formal Models of Hardware from RTL for Efficient Verification of Memory Model Implementations" Yao Hsiao, Dominic Mulligan, Nikos Nikoleris, Gustavo Petri and Caroline Trippel

  3. "VulnerabiliTree: A Taxonomy of Hardware and Software Computer Attacks for Heuristic Hacking Defense" Sylvia Llosa, Ange Ishimwe and Tamara Lehman

  4. "Architectural Approaches to Privacy-Enhanced Computation" Lauren Biernacki, Meron Zerihun Demissie, Kidus Birkayehu Workneh, Fitsum Assamnew Andargie and Todd Austin

  5. "Web Applications: Past, Present, Future" Sara Mahdizadeh Shahri, Shixin Song, Tanvir Ahmed Khan, Akshitha Sriraman and Baris Kasikci

  6. "Creating Composite Instruction Prefetchers Using N-Many Sub-Prefetchers" Gino Chacon, Elba Garza, Paul Gratz and Daniel Jiménez

Call For Posters:

Posters are solicited for research related to any aspect of computer architecture. All researchers in the computer architecture fields are welcome to submit their work for presentation at this workshop. Each poster abstract will be reviewed by members of the community. Posters will not be published and hence can be under submission for other conferences or workshops.

Submission Guidelines:

Each submission should be formatted as an extended abstract, describing the research to be presented in the poster. The length of the extended abstract should be at most TWO single-column pages (formatted into the US letter size of 8.5 x 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10 point size), including all figures and references. The extended abstract must include the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors and should be submitted as a single PDF file to EasyChair.

Important Dates:

* Abstract Submission Deadline EXTENDED: September 20th 2020

* Author Notification: September 25, 2020

* Workshop Date: October 17, 2020

Call For Posters:

Posters are solicited for research related to any aspect of computer architecture. All researchers in the computer architecture fields are welcome to submit their work for presentation at this workshop. Each poster abstract will be reviewed by members of the community. Posters will not be published and hence can be under submission for other conferences or workshops. Accepted posters will have the presenter's MICRO conference registration fee covered.

Submission Guidelines:

Each submission should be formatted as an extended abstract, describing the research to be presented in the poster. The length of the extended abstract should be at most TWO single-column pages (formatted into the US letter size of 8.5 x 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10 point size), including all figures and references. The extended abstract must include the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors and should be submitted as a single PDF file to EasyChair.

Important Dates:

* Abstract Submission Deadline: (EXTENDED!) September 27th 2021

* Author Notification: October 4th 2021

* Workshop Date: October 22nd 2021