
2020 - 2021

Leonardo Nguyen


Classification: Sophomore

Major: Architectural Engineering


Hello everyone! My name is Leo and I am so excited to revitalize the club. AEI is important to me because it provides its members a place where they can meet other like-minded people and finding networking opportunities.

Why Architectural Engineering?

I like the idea of combining both my passions of architecture and engineering. I also want to further building technologies because people spend most of their time indoors, and by making a space that is self-sufficient and comfortable is my lifetime goal.

Faculty Advisors:

Jay Arehart


Dr. Wil Srubar

Assistant Professor

Sustainable Infrastructure Materials Laboratory

2019 - 2020


Natalie Anderson

Sydney Schroeder

Charlotte Mitchel


Justin Rimbach

Public Media

Relations Chair

Anna Pyle

2018 - 2019

Edgar Varela


Classification: Junior

Major: Architectural Engineering

Minor(s): Environmental Design, Engineering Management


Hello all, I am excited to lead our student chapter and help our members better understand and network within the architectural engineering profession. I believe the best way of learning is through experience and that is exactly my goal, to provide a quality experience for our members.

Why Architectural Engineering?

I want to be part of the design & construction of the environment people work, live and spend almost 90% percent of their lifetime in. Through architectrual engineering I can use both my creative and logical mind to solve the ever-changing challenges of this profession.

Natalie Anderson

Vice President

Classification: Sophomore

Major: Architectural Engineering

Minor(s): Global Engineering

Hello everyone. My name is Natalie Anderson and I am pleased to serve as the vice president. I love art, specifically painting and drawing, and sewing. I wish to bring a cultural element to our learning. I want to be able to open our members eyes to different solutions to the same problem based on context.

Why Architectural Engineering?

I feel as though architecture is the combination of my two passions: art and engineering. I want a work environment where I get faced with new challenges each day. I feel that architectural engineering is the way to accomplish that.

Justin Rimbach


Classification: Junior

Major: Architectural Engineering

Hello! My name is Justin Rimbach, and I am a Junior in Architectural Engineering, with a focus on Structural Engineering. I am excited to fill the role of Secretary for AEI and help as many people as possible to achieve their goals and aspirations through the organization of many great events.

Why Architectural Engineering?

I chose Architectural Engineering because I believe it to be a field that possesses a great breadth of trades, practices, knowledge, and skills. The built environment is one which affects everyone on Earth, and as such should be heavily worked with and molded to fit our collective needs. I’m hoping to help advance building creation far into the future.

Charlotte Mitchell


Classification: Sophomore

Major: Architectural Engineering

Why Architectural Engineering?

I stumbled into Architectural Engineering, picturing it to be something it isn't quite. While studying it, I've come to realize that it is so much cooler than I could've imagined. I love learning about all the things that go into making our daily lives in the built environment livable, comfortable, and pleasant.

Gabriella Abello

Solar Decathlon Lead

Classification: Junior

Major: Engineering Plus

Hey everyone! I’m so excited to be co-leading the Boulder Solar Decathlon team for the 2020 competition. My goals this year are to create a work environment where creativity thrives and everyone feels passionate and focused. I wholeheartedly believe in the value that both Solar Decathlon and AEI offer students, which is why I’m here and why I encourage everyone to get involved in some way or another!

Why Architectural Engineering?

I am fascinated by the sustainable home market. I want to live in a world where living in an energy efficient, technologically advanced space is more conventional to larger groups of people. I am energized just by reading about the new green technologies and materials incorporated into homes which is why I’m pursuing Architectural Engineering and leading the Solar Decathlon team! I’m excited to work with you.

Alex Prekas

Social and Recruitment Chair

Classification: Junior

Major: Architectural Engineering

Minor(s): Business

I am half Greek, half American, I was born and raised in Greece and then moved to Qatar at the age of 9. I lived in Qatar until I graduated high school and then moved to Colorado to attend CU. I started out in the Pre-Engineering program thinking of pursuing Mechanical Engineering, and later switched to Economics before finally deciding to major in Architectural Engineering, with a minor in Business, emphasizing in Real-Estate. Feel free to email me if you have any questions about joining AEI, or would like to collaborate with us.

Why Architectural Engineering?

I chose Architectural Engineering because I have always been interested in the process of creating a building. I am pursuing Construction Management because I am most interested in the business side of running projects and working with both clients and contractors to make sure a project is run correctly and on time. In the future I want to be involved with mega projects around the world, specifically commercial buildings. Architectural Engineering provides an all around view of the different aspects in creating a structure, therefore I chose this major to learn how all the different interdisciplinary fields cooperate together.

Anna Pyle

Public Media Relations Chair

Classification: Senior

Major: Architectural Engineering

Minor(s): Business

Hi everyone!I'm excited and honored to serve as public relations chair this school year. My goal this year is to showcase students' talents, work and new ideas to the architectural engineering community. I want to present what we do as a chapter through words and images, such as social media posts, photographs, and interviews.

Why Architectural Engineering?

I'm interested in designing and planning, systems within a structure, and figuring out solutions that are energy efficient, cost effective, and aesthetically pleasing. I'm seeking a career that involves technical skills , communication, and creativity.

Sydney Schroeder

Corporate Relations Chair

Classification: Sophomore

Major: Architectural Engineering

Hello! I am so excited to be a part of the AEI officer board this year. I am a Colorado native and have loved my time at CU so far. I am in the Architectural Engineering program and am also an RA on campus. I'm looking forward to being a spokesperson for our chapter and to making lasting relationships with companies in our field!

Why Architectural Engineering?

I want to be a part of a field that is constantly growing and encouraging innovation! Architecture provokes thought and emotion and I want to be part of the dialogue surrounding it. I hope to design systems to improve and preserve the landscape of environments around us.

Graduate Advisors:

Elvin Viloria

B.S/M.S Student in Architectural Engineering

Structural Engineering

Juan Pablo Gevaudan

Masters Student in Civil Engineering

Concrete Research