
Statistics, Optimization and Machine Learning Seminar (StatOptML)

This is a graduate-level seminar for researchers in applied statistics, optimization and theoretical machine learning. The seminar is co-taught by Stephen Becker (Applied Math) and Rafael Frongillo (Computer Science).

Graduate students may sign up for the course if they would like a seminar credit. If you sign up, you are expected to give a 20 to 30 minute presentation on a research topic, and you are expected to attend and participate in every meeting.

You may also attend seminars without officially signing up for the course -- you can be an undergrad, professor, or anyone. To receive announcements about upcoming speakers, you may wish to join the StatOptML google group.

By default, the seminar takes place at (LOCATION TBD), at 3:30 PM every Tuesday during the school year.

NEW: please see the dedicated Statistics, Optimization and Machine Learning Seminar (StatOptML) website.