Our application period is now closed. We plan to notify applicants of admission decisions by April 1, 2024.

Here are the short-answer application questions you will be asked to answer:

1) Please tell us about your research and academic interests. (max 250 words) For an idea of potential research topics, please visit our website.

2) Please tell us about what you are looking for in this research experience, and how this program will help you achieve your long-term goals. (max 150 words)

3) The mission of the ATOC REU is more than to prepare students with technical skills and research abilities. With the ATOC REU, we are working to foster a geoscience community that is diverse, inclusive, resilient, creative, and bold. Please describe how you, based on your personal background and life experiences (including social, cultural, familial, educational, or other opportunities or challenges) will contribute to this mission during and after participation in the ATOC REU. (write at least 200 words but no more than 350 words)

4) Students who benefit the most from the ATOC REU are self-motivated, have experience managing their time wisely, and enjoy working through challenges independently and in collaboration with others. Please describe one or more examples from your own experiences (academic, job-related, personal, and/or family responsibilities) that show you can succeed in the ATOC REU. (write at least 200 words but no more than 350 words)

5) Is there anything else you would like us to know about you? (no word limit, not required)

You will be asked to submit unofficial transcripts (as a .pdf) from any colleges you have attended. We reserve the right to request official transcripts for accepted students. 

We are not asking for letters of recommendation with the application.

The University of Colorado requires that all employees and students receive 3 shots (2 full + booster) of the COVID19 vaccine. REU students will be required to show proof of vaccination.

For questions about eligibility please check here or email us at!