PCB Designs

555 Timer

In this lab we built an astable multivibrator using 555 timers to generate a square wave which is fed to different resistors and LEDs. This board was intended to provide us the chance to familiarize ourselves with the entire flow and procedure of board design.


Hex Inverter

The goal of this board was to give us the opportunity to become acquainted with the full flow and process of board design. In accordance with proper design principles, we put up one circuit with a continuous return plane, a decoupling capacitor, and the IC power pin. But on the second lap, we made every mistake imaginable. Instead, we simply routed the ground lines using a trace. Additionally, the decoupling capacitor was far from the IC.


Golden Arduino

In this report, the design of the "Golden Arduino" board is summarized utilizing the seven-step prototype design cycle, with an emphasis on using best design principles to cut down on crosstalk and ground bounce as well as noise from power rail switching.


Instrument Droid