
The last 3 weeks of the course Advanced Embedded Software Development at CU Boulder consists of a project designed and implemented by students, individually or in teams.  Implementation schedule is based on Agile Scrum with 3 one week sprints.  The only requirements of the project are:

1) The project must use real hardware.

2) The project must use Buildroot or Yocto to build an embedded device image.

Students are able to submit extra credit proposals for additional work to share portions of their projects with future students in the form of howto steps or pull requests.

Fall 2023 Project List

AESD Final Projects - Fall 2023

Sensor data monitoring via a Web Application - Real-time monitoring of incoming sensor data using a dockerized deployment of a Web and Application Server hosted on the Jetson Nano.
Daniel Mendez, Mubeena Udyavar Kazi

Weather Station using Raspberry Pi  The prototype weather station built with Raspberry Pi aims to monitor and report real-time values temperature, humidity, pressure and air quality providing valuable data for local weather tracking and environmental analysis.

Visweshwaran Baskaran

NanoVision AI: Embedded RTSP Streaming with Docker - Security based AI and computer vision application which uses NVIDIAs deepstream analytics tool in a Docker Container to monitor real time video and display over an RTSP stream.

Suraj Ajjampur, Aamir Suhail Burhan

Health Monitoring System - An Embedded system to track the health status of a user, analyze the data and alert the user of any critical health condition in real-time.

Chandana Challa, Amey More

Wireless Image Transfer System - Seamless Wireless Image Capture and Transfer with Raspberry Pi: From Underwater Exploration to Remote Data Analysis.
Rishikesh Sundaragiri
Authorization system using Raspberry pi - A home Authentication system involving finger print and passcode verification 

Ashwin Ravindra, Vidhya Palaniappan

Remote 3d print controller and interface - A multi system remote 3d printing server and monitor

Nicholas Buckley

Smart Bedroom Environment Monitoring System - A monitoring system to measure and keep a track of various environmental parameters like temperature, humidity and pressure in a bedroom to understand if the atmosphere is suitable for sleep or not.

Ashwini Patil

Wildlife Detection and Identification - Raspberry Pi camera system to detect and identify wildlife utilizing OpenCV

Tim Bailey

aesdchar Visualization and Control - Extension of the aesdchar driver to support control and visualizing status via external hardware