
The last 3 weeks of the course Advanced Embedded Software Development at CU Boulder consists of a project designed and implemented by students, individually or in teams. Implementation schedule is based on Agile Scrum with 3 one week sprints. The only requirements of the project are:

1) The project must use real hardware.

2) The project must use Buildroot or Yocto to build an embedded device image.

Students are able to submit extra credit proposals for additional work to share portions of their projects with future students in the form of howto steps or pull requests.

Fall 2022 Project List

AESD Final Projects - Fall 2022


Remote Heart Rate Monitoring - Based on BeagleBones running Linux, an HM-11 BLE Module, and a TCP Socket connection

Guruprashanth Krishnakumar, Jordi Cros Mompart

Image Streaming and Rendering - Image capture via a USB camera and rendering on a 16x16 LED Matrix Module (WS2812)

Gautama Gandhi, Chinmay Shalawadi
Security System - The project aims to create a Linux distribution using buildroot which implements a security system by integrating a camera and PIR sensor on Raspberry Pi
Mahesh Gudipati, Abijith Ananda Krishnan

Always-on Workbench Remote Access Point - This project aims to provide access to power, physical action, and monitoring of a remote workstation that might not have traditional IoT connectivity.

James Bohn

NLP voice-control with Real-Time Capabilities - A hypervisor will be used on an Nvidia Jetson Nano in order to use the GPU with existing open-source NLP libraries in conjunction with an RTOS partition to control an LED array in real time

Erich Clever

Crash Detection and Notification System - Project aims to provide an emergency notification system when sudden deceleration/ crash is detected. User location is reported to a cloud-based web service upon being triggered. Aims to use the MPU-6050 I2C-based accelerometer and MTK3339 UART-based GPS sensor.

Ganesh KM, Pranav Bharadwaj, Tejaswini Lakshmi Narayan

GPS Data Transfer over Cloud using MQTT - The project aims to transfer GPS data interfaced through UART over cloud using MQTT Protocol through a broker using Raspberry Pi. The boards will host custom images developed to support the cloud infrastructure.

Dhiraj Bennadi, Kevin Tom
Geotracking tracking for vehicles - In this project, we will have a client-server model which will send gps and accelerometer values from the server to the client via sockets.
Peter Braganza, Surya Kanteti, Sona Subair

Battery Life Monitoring and Alert System : In this project, we built a server-client model to emulate a battery management system which will send temperature and humidity values to client via socket communication using Buildroot in Raspberry Pi. We used to TMP102(I2C) temperature sensor and the BME280(I2C) Humidity sensor.

Swapnil Ghonge Sricharan Kidambi