Educational Technology

WHAT are my training options to support Remote Learning?

We conduct workshops and trainings to meet district, building, classroom, and individual staff needs ranging from Schoology and other educational technology tools.

Please view our services, including online training options, workshops, virtual office hours, Zoom webinars, on-demand videos, step-by-step documentation and personalized support.

WHAT are the top TOOLS I can use with my students?

To help support your transition to Remote Learning/eLearning, we are using this tool catalog to provide resources and materials to support each member of our learning community: STUDENTS, STAFF & FAMILIES.

NOTE: This tool catalog is not meant to be an exhaustive list of tools but a list of the TOP Tools recommended for Remote Learning/eLearning. Every staff and student have access to these tools which is critical in this time or when selecting a tool.

Schoology allows instructors and students to access course materials, communicate and collaborate online. It has various tools for delivering learning content, engaging online learners, and measuring their performance.

Classroom Technology - exciting news coming soon

Do you have a question around what devices you should have for your classroom? Click here to view equipment offered through Colonial School District Technology Department.