Welcome and thank you for visiting the Colo-NESCO Royals Softball Website. Please use the top header to browse the website or to find the information you are looking for!

There will be a few quick links below, but the other pages will have more information.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email Coach Sutton at csutton@colo-nesco.k12.ia.us

Current season:

Varsity Results/statistics:

Varsity Bound

If you want day by day updates please sign up for our Reminds

HS Remind code: @cnsoftball

JH Remind code: @cnjhsball

School Calendars:

Varsity Game Schedule

JV Game Schedule

JH Game Schedule

Off Season Open Gym Schedule (open to all 5-12th grade softball players)

Follow us on social media!

Facebook Page:

Colo-NESCO Royals Softball

Twitter account: @CNRoyalSoftball

Home games are played in McCallsburg at Stan Vigness Field.

Usually High School home games JV 5:30 with Varsity Following 7:00pm.

Typically Junior High home games 7th 10:00AM , 8th 11:30AM

Please check school calendar for game times as they may change due to team sizes and weather!