If you would like your CA Next alumni advisor to write you a recommendation letter, please fill out this form.

When choosing someone to be a reference or to write you a recommendation letter, remember these general rules of thumb.

TIME - Give ample time to request a recommendation letter from any person. Asking someone to write a recommendation letter in one day is NOT a best practice. When possible, give at least 4 weeks advance notice.

GIVE CONTEXT - When asking someone to write a recommendation letter, be sure to include your resume and any essential context about the scholarship/internship that the recommender to should know.

CHOOSE WISELY - It is best to choose someone who has known you for a good length of time, or who knows you well. Ideally, this person is from your college (academic advisor, department chair, coach, etc.). Don't choose someone with a big fancy title (Dean of the College, Provost, etc.) if the person doesn't know you well; more than likely, this will be noticeable in the letter.

FOLLOW UP & THANKS - Always follow up (at least two weeks before the due date) with the recommender to ensure your recommendation is written; and thank them with a handwritten note or email. Writing a recommendation is not an easy or quick task, so remember to show gratitude!